Friday, December 21, 2012

Before Getting Started

The good thing about SoW is that there's more than one way to play this game.

The bad thing about SoW is that there's more than one way to play this game.

Some people play it to complete lessons, some people like to duel other players to see who's the strongest, some people want to have the largest order in the game, some people want to reach for the top of the ranking (some players do it at any cost) and some people just do it to rob other players.

Unfortunately before you even start the game, you are faced with the decision of choosing a character, a main component in the game that heavily influences your playability. He or she will dictate your rhythm, the pace in which you will be able to play this game. Therefore you must have your goals in your mind from the beginning, because your goals should dictate which character you should choose for the game, although you can change it later, but it's rather costly (The Headmaster).

You'll see as you continue.


  1. why doesn't my order show up when I go to send gifts. I can't find them when I use the other finder either.

  2. Is your white box empty? Did you tried switching between "All Friends" and "School of Wizardry Friends"?

    If that doesn't work, contact the developer.

  3. My things dissappear! I had a fancy robe, a firebolt broom, two more yew wands, one more flying motorcykle and two more hippogriffs. What's happening?!

  4. I had a lot of stuff disappear this morning too...maybe I am just not motivated enough for this game, because that is discouraging enough for me to stop playing. Also, my rent keeps getting stolen even though I have never gone 24 hours without collecting...

  5. Ok, I chose a female character, only to find myself a male, after the screen came up, after choosing a name. I do not want a guy, what do I do,Quit? If this is how it starts, I sure don't want to begin a frustrating game.

  6. @ HowStrange, MMarianneS - There's been a problem with the servers and we're not out of the woods yet according to the post the Developer left on the application wall. I would personally postpone any purchase at this moment be it properties or items until the situation is completely solved.

    @ Rxwoman01 - There's tons of male players playing with female characters and vice versa, myself included. The important thing about a character are its strengths and weaknesses. Now about your problem, the only way to change characters is to accumulate enough hall passes (the cheapest female character costs 200 hall passes), then go to the headmaster and switch to your new character.
