Friday, December 21, 2012

Tips and Tricks

I'm not going to teach you anything illegal or cheats for that matter, so don't worry. I just want to give out some pointers.

  1. Gold belongs in the bank. Always.
  2. Energy, energy, energy. That's where most of your skill points should be going into.
  3. Play this game with a calculator and a timer if you can :P (before you ask, no, I don't really use a timer)
  4. Don't waste skill points with Attack and Defense. Order member + item + magic + creature combo is way more efficient. Only invest in Attack and Defense when you feel that you have enough energy points. (ha!)
  5. Don't cash out your rent to put in the bank unless your three days (72 hours) are almost up. Try to spend your rent money first to buy equipment and properties. I usually find out how much the items will going to cost, subtract the rent money and whatever is still missing I withdrawal from the bank. 
  6. And yes, use three tabs for that. First tab to Collect Rent, one for the bank with the amount to be withdrawn pre-entered and a third tab open with the item and quantity to be purchased already selected. It takes less than 5 seconds to complete all 3 transactions (depending on your internet speed).
  7. Don't let energy points or stamina go to waste. Keep a close watch on your experience counter. If you're close to level up but you have way more energy than necessary, go back to First Year and do some 1:1 ratio jobs (Expelliarmus anyone? That is, if you have a huge order) until you're really close to level up. Then go to the job with highest exp/energy ratio and do it. You will get a jump start with the experience needed to level up in the new level.
  8. Try to purchase your items, creatures in bulk. Saves you gold in the long run.
  9. A quick way to purchase the EXACT amount of items you want at the Magic Shop is to calculate the exact amount of gold you need for the purchase. With the exact "change" in hands, go to the Magic Shop (or use multiple tabs) and select any quantity higher than the quantity you wish to purchase. Example: You want to purchase 15 Oak Wands but the slider jumps from 10 to 20. Just select 20, 30, or 100, doesn't matter. The system will automatically always let you buy up the the maximum amount of gold you have available on you.
These are all I can think right now. Will update this page as I think of them.


  1. Thank you for this page. I wish I would have seen it earlier, would have saved me a lot of gold! :)

  2. "You can do it for free, just uninstall and reinstall the application."

    how is it???

  3. Go to the application home page. On the bottom left corner you'll see a link to remove the application (you could also use facebook setting to remove it too). Confirm the removal.

    Then click on "Go to application" on the top left corner or "Play Now" under the info tab to reinstall the game. You'll be prompted to choose a character and a name again, but all your old stats remains the same.

  4. I have been playing SoW for a week now, and all the tips and tricks written here are 100% true and reliable...thank you so much for all of this informations...:D

  5. I've heard that it's better to buy properties as soon as you can, rather than saving up to buy all ten. In the time it takes you to save up, the properties you could have bought would have generated enough income to cover the price increase for the rest of them, plus extra. Is that true?

  6. Thank you for your question.

    This is nasty calculation. I can't calculate how fast someone takes to come up with the money. This depends on how much energy you have, which levels you are playing, how many times a day you are playing... If you decide to buy 2 properties at once or 3 or 4 instead of buying one by one could change the outcome considerably.

    There are just to many variables. You should always do what you feel more comfortable with, this blog is not here to tell you what to do.

    In the end it actually depends on how fast you can come up with the money to buy your next property. The longer it takes you to come up with the money to buy the next property, the more money you'll make off the property you already possess and consequently, the more money you'll have to cover the price increases and more profit in the end.

  7. What is stamina for exactly?

  8. Stamina combined with Health is what allows you to Duel. Basically in order to duel you need at least 1 Stamina and 1 Health.

  9. What is the 72 hours about for the banking? My rent seems to be going directly into my total gold so it seems that someone could duel me overnight and win all the gold for rents that accumulates overnight.

    Also... do you know what the formula is for how much you get when you win a duel?

  10. Read this post -

    It talks about real estate. If you still have questions, just post it on the comments section of that post.

    Regarding a formula for how much gold you win by dueling, I can't find out about it myself. People at my level don't really leave money outside the bank. Sorry.

  11. ok, it only seemed to put my first rent right into my gold total -- the rest is just waiting to be claimed, which is good :)

  12. I did the math and if you wait and buy all 10 properties at once it can take 18 days instead of 7 if you buy them the second you can.

    Consider first level - You own one property and you wait till you have all of the money. It will 20,000 * 9 or $180,000.00. At 425 an hour it is around 10,200 a day and will take 18 days.

    1 10,200
    2 20,400
    3 30,600
    4 40,800
    5 51,000
    6 61,200
    7 71,400
    8 81,600
    9 91,800
    10 102,000
    11 112,200
    12 122,400
    13 132,600
    14 142,800
    15 153,000
    16 163,200
    17 173,400
    18 183,600

    Instead, if you buy them the second you can...

    The first one will be the one you have to buy - and then the rent accumulates to buy the reset.

    The second one you can buy in 49.41 hours...


    Totals 161.36 hours - or 6.72 days.

    Buy as soon as you can. Checked the other and it works the same way.

    Yes, it is counter-intuitive. That is why the gods created a spreadsheet.

  13. I already wrote about this in the Real Estate post here:

    Actually you need 9 * 21000 since the price increased 5% after you purchased the first property, so you'll need 19 days on the first example.

    I believe you're only taking in consideration income over time from rent as your source of gold which is not true, because at lower levels, Lessons are your main source of income.

    If you're not an active player, yes, you should buy Properties one by one. But if you play medium to aggressively, you should come up with 200,000 before you finish mastering all three levels from first year, and that shouldn't take you more than 2-3 days.

    So If I must give you an answer, I'd say if you're a occasional player, you should buy one by one. If you're not, then do some math and see if you can come up with 200,000 in less than 7 days.

    Remember, it's always "income * time". As time increases, even if you hold income constant, your profit from the property will increase. So if it takes you 30 days to save up to buy all the castles, then you should buy one by one.

  14. What about the strategy of buying 1 property, waiting for 72 hours, buying as many properties as you can at that time, collect rent, wait another 72 hours, and so on? because of how the current rent system works, buying properties after 72 hours will give you 72 hours of the rent instantly.

  15. That's a really nice trick 'Anonymous'. Would you like to give your name or nickname so I can properly credit you for letting me know about it?

  16. I go by chen52808.

    Though it seems that the best strat that follows from it is to take the rent close to 72 hours (better later than earlier) before predicted time to next level of properties so that you can maximize the "free" rent you can get.

  17. You can find the direct link to the game on the "Geting Started" post.

  18. Your tip above says: **Don't let energy points or stamina go to waste. Keep a close watch on your experience counter. If you're close to level up but you have way more energy than necessary, go back to First Year and do some 1:1 ratio jobs (Expelliarmus anyone? That is, if you have a huge order) until you're really close to level up. Then go to the job with highest exp/energy ratio and do it. You will get a jump start with the experience needed to level up in the new level.** ..................... I totally agree with learning your highest lesson right before you level up so you have a boost for the next level ( and so you use as much energy as possible) but i disagree with going back and learning previous lessons to do so (seems wasteful). i prefer to use all my energy (save however much it takes to do my highest lesson) and then duel until im right about to level up (like 3 away cause i think the most EXP you can get from dueling is 3) that way you dont waste energy on already done lessons and you can use up some of that health and stamina before you level up and it refills (plus if you stumble upon someone who has an stupid amount of money on them, you can gain a bit more cash along the way)... ALTHOUGH...if you have 200 energy and only need 100 EXP to level up, you are gonna waste energy anyways... but i just thought i would post because it's a stragey that works for me (i consider my self a balanced player between lessons and dueling)..... what do you think ?? :) thanks!!!

  19. "ALTHOUGH...if you have 200 energy and only need 100 EXP to level up, you are gonna waste energy anyways..."

    is exactly what I was trying to say with

    "If you're close to level up but you have way more energy than necessary"

    I just being lazy and trying not to elaborate so much.

    So using your numeric example - have 200 energy pts and need only 100 exp pts to level up:

    I suggest to people (given they don't want to or can't duel anymore - 0 health or 0 stamina) to use 99 of those energy points doing 1:1 ratio jobs, particularly Expelliarmus for people with large orders without enough magic for all their members.

    This way one can 'waste' 96 energy points and collect some magic doing so, then do a 3 energy pts lesson, then go ahead and use the rest on the 100 energy lesson - this way they'll only waste 1 energy points instead of 100 energy pts one would waste if they had decided to do the 100 energy lesson that gives 159 exp pts in the first place, then they'll get started on the next level with 158 pts already.

    The most exp pts you can get from dueling is 5 actually, but that depends of the level of your opponent.

    I actually try to the same thing when I have too much stamina pts. I look at my stats to see what Lesson I can do with the most exp pts payout, then I duel lower level opponents on my duel list, which will give me only 1 exp pts. When I'm 1 or 2 pts away from leveling up, I use the energy and get that little boost when I level up.

    Now you don't have to waste your energy points before leveling up - I'm not here to tell anyone how to play the game, but just saying what could be done. You are free to come up with ways to play this game that suits you best.

    But it's just that some people don't think about doing what I say or what you said and go on the forums complaining about what a waste it is to have unused energy pts when they level up. That's all.

  20. hahaha. people do complain without even thinking how to just find a way to work with it. when all that dueling whining was going on i was seriously considering quitting SOW... WHEW!!!!.. and i totally see your point :

    "This way one can 'waste' 96 energy points and collect some magic doing so, then do a 3 energy pts lesson, then go ahead and use the rest on the 100 energy lesson - this way they'll only waste 1 energy points instead of 100 energy pts one would waste if they had decided to do the 100 energy lesson that gives 159 exp pts in the first place, then they'll get started on the next level with 158 pts already."

    but i dont have a "100 energy lesson" just quite yet lol. and i prefer to use my energy to complete lessons rather than to just level up (although i did do that my first year before i realized you had to complete the entire year 3 times....whoops)

    i just went back and reread your comment.. i dont think i was clear on what i said.... for example... say you needed 400 more EXP to level up and had full energy/health/stamina.... say 300 energy, 50 health, 50 stamina... and say my highest lesson was 50 energy (i cant be accurate with the energy/exp payout so pretend they are all 1:1 )

    all that said...

    i would use 250 energy on lessons (leaving me with 150 exp left to level up) then i would duel until my exp had like 3 left, then use that last 50 energy, so i waste no energy, have a boost for my next level, dont waste ALL of my health/stamina, and complete as many lessons as possible...

    but of course, if i only needed 100 exp and had 200 energy points i wouldn't touch a duel button... and i see what you are trying to say, how you can "use" all of your energy... we just see different advantages... i "morally" couldn't use my energy to do a lesson i have already completed (except when i require a spell from it for another lesson) because im in quite a hurry to complete all the lessons... but the more i think about it, the more it makes sense... if i couldnt use all my energy to complete new lessons, i should use it just so its not *completely* wasted....

    oh conundrum. haha

    of course.. its all irrelevant because i get on like every 15 and a half seconds and never have anything go to waste cause it takes like 12 hours for my energy to completely refill :)

    i have rambled on quite a lot (sorry) i quite enjoy discussing/swapping theories and strategies about all this. i have like covered every inch of you're site. the list for the max amount of items really came in handy.. .and im happy that buying real estate one at a time turned out to be more profitable.... i tried to save up to buy them in bulk but i couldnt contain myself haha. im happy i indulged :)

    thanks again!!!

  21. I totally understand you dilemma about wasting energy on a lesson you already mastered vs. mastering another lesson.

    Because of the order in which I would approach the lessons (mastering first lessons with higher energy requirements then move to lower ones), sometimes (usually after waking up with too much energy) I would have to choose between mastering a lesson or repeating a mastered lesson just so I could use all my energy pts.

    At first I would just complete a new mastery. But then I started thinking about it... repeating a lesson with higher exp pts payout (jump starting the next level with more pts) could be more beneficial because this way I would get to the next level up faster, meaning my next energy refill wouldn't be too far away.

    So my goal switched from 'completing lessons' to 'leveling up faster', because we get that stats refill every time we level up, I would be able to do complete more lessons.

    But that's my personal opinion and I don't have the math to back it up. I'm not really a math person (and I don't think it makes that big of a difference) I just did what felt right for me. You should always do the same. That's what I love about this game, no right way, no wrong way. Just different approaches.

    And after our little chit-chat here in the comments section some people still say: 'this is a mindless mouse clicking game...'


  22. lol... well we may have gotten *a little* too in depth... since its just a mindless mouse clicking game hahaha

  23. Loved reading this 'debate/convo' Ty!

  24. the total energy i can reach to is 5 how do i raise the max level of energy.

  25. yesterday my level is 14 but morning my level is 1 and all lessons mastery 100%. please correct this error. bring back to the settings last night

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. @ Amit - Please read FAQ Post - Question #6.

    @ oguzhan - There's been a problem with the servers and we're not out of the woods yet according to the post the Developer left on the application wall. I would personally postpone any purchase at this moment be it properties or items until the situation is completely solved. And from what the developer said before, there's not much he can't do about what's been lost.

    @ Mayan - Please read FAQ Post - Question #1.

  28. doesnt the goblins take money from you each time you make a deposit into gringotts? is it worth it?

  29. @ Ticia - They charge you 10% for safekeeping your gold for you. You can choose, pay 10% or loose 99% of your gold IF someone duels you.

    Every time someone duels you, you loose 1-4% of your gold, if someone duels you 3 times, at best (from their point of view) they can walk away with 12% of your gold, that's all it takes and the bank doesn't look so bad anymore, does it?

    One more thing - As you get to higher levels you'll notice there won't be much gold laying around on your duel list.

  30. I just tried to redo the character... I removed the app, then went back to the page and "Go to Application, allowed it to access whatever," and i still had broken wand :-(

  31. I thought crossing out the text would send the message that uninstalling/reinstalling trick isn't working anymore. I'll just delete it completely to avoid confusions. You have to pay at least 200 hall passes to change characters now.

  32. When investing skill points into character traits, how many energy do you recommend having? Since the locked levels are hidden from view, we do not know how many energy a level 57 lesson will use. Any advice would be great. Thanks.

  33. The last lesson of the game requires 100 energy. There's an Excel Worksheet on this blog, look it up. It has all lessons in the game, energy required, experience payout, gold payout.

  34. i already knew 80% of all of this, thanks anyway

  35. As both my parents are mathematicians, I tried to solve the bank-inflation problem. See below for details.

    Inflation is 5%
    Bank fee is 10%

    You have money for one item XY of which you need more than one. What makes more sense:
    a) Sustain inflation of 5% of the initial price
    b) Take your money to the bank and lose 10%

    It ALWAYS makes more sense to buy stuff one by one than to put your money on the bank and wait for it to be possible to buy 4 or less items. Waiting for 5 or more it ALWAYS makes sense to bring the money to the bank first , but only if you'll really wait till you can buy all in one go.

    [calculated the following way: inflation is always 5% of the BASIC value (no compounded interest), so when you buy two items you pay 2.05x when you buy one by one or 2x when you buy 2 in one go (x being the initial value). You will need to pay 2.19x to the bank though to get 1.99x back (provided you have just made 1% of the price when you go shopping, which is realistic).
    Buying three one by one you pay 3.15x(.05x inflation on item no 2, .10x inflation on item 3), via bank 3.29x.
    Four makes it 4.30x (inflation .05x+.10x+.15x) to 4.39x.
    Five makes it 5.50x (inflation .05x+.10x+.15x+.20x) to 5.49x and thats where it changes. It then is still cheaper if you buy two to the cheap rate (having the money for two on you - pay 2x+1.10x+1.15x+1.20x=5.45x)]

  36. When paying money to the bank, always drop the last number and make it zero. The goblins will always take exactly or a little more than 10%, never less (if you pay 11$, they'll keep 2$, as 10%=1.10$). Rather keep the $s on you than lose them!!
    e.g. you want to pay 1991$ to the bank.
    1.) Pay 1991$. The goblins will charge you 200$, you give 1791$ to the bank.
    2.) Pay 1990$. The goblins will charge you 199$, you give 1791$ to the bank AND have 1$ left on you.


  38. how do I change my skill points into energy??

  39. I changed my character and name by deleting SoW from my Applications and then re-adding it only 2 days ago, and I still had everything.

  40. It says 2nd year how do you get to second year so I can finish the second set of lessons. Is it waiting until you buy another character or what?

  41. One thing I do:
    When I'm dueling and I lose all of my health, I always duel again as soon as I get one health point back. This saves me time, because even if you sustain more than one damage, you only lose the one.

  42. So, let me get this straight: When changing your free character for another free one by deleting and re-installing the game, your money in the bank doesn't go missing, and you'll still have all your properties and purchased items left? Is it completely safe to do the characher switch? I just want to make sure before doing anything drastic...

    Thank you for this guide, by the way, it is very helpful!

  43. I have completed all the lesson tiers, which means 30 tiers, and 234 mastered lessons but I notice in the Leaderboard, there are people who have done 238 or 239 lessons. Where do you find the other 5 lessons?

  44. guys, my friend made a school of wizardry autoplayer and level/item calculator, so you can level up while your at school, work, etc. its got me up 10 levels in one day before. but we havnt widely tested it, and are looking for some people to tell us how they like it. and of you think the autoplayer is unfair, it has a timer to remind you every time your energy completely refills.

    here's the link:

    send feedback to


  45. btw all instructions are in the program
