Friday, December 21, 2012

Weekly Limited Edition Item List

Starting October 4th the game has been offering for a limited time, an unique item every week for 500 hall passes. Here they are:

From December 21st to December 27th

 From December 14th to December 20th

From December 7th to December 13th

From November 30th to December 6th

From November 23rd to November 29th

From November 16th to November 22nd

 From November 9th to November 15th

From November 2nd to November 8th

From October 26th to November 1st

From October 19th to October 25th

From October 12th to October 18th

From October 4th to October 11th.


  1. Wasn't Ice Broom in there somewhere?

  2. never mind - that was a gift we could send, not the limited edition (hall pass) ones.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Are these items really worth shelling out the 500 hall passes?

    How do they affect your dueling?

  5. Russ, I would say NO, unless you're wealthy and don't care. Since your characters use different items in each category when they attack from when they defend, tactically the best idea is to get items with very high attack (and little to no defense, you won't be using it), and also items with very high defense (and low attack), for each 'category' of item.

    This means buying more items (from the magic store and special items if you want to spend hall passes), but works much better than buying "middling" items. For example, I would never waste hall passes on something like the shape shifting juice potion, because it's good in both attack and defense, but not terrific in either. On the other hand, the current flaming wand (I forget the real name) is like 63 and 1 (A/D). So that's a good deal, if you're looking to spend passes.

    At least that's my understanding of how combat works. Feel free to correct me, anyone.

    And of course the most useful thing to spend hall passes on is an upgraded character. I like Cho over Malfoy by a smidge, but either one (IMO) is better than the rest, with Luna coming in third. Again, this is just my opinion. And yes, I'm aware they carefully stay away from spelling out the name within the game, but it's easier for me to refer to them that way.

    Good luck!
